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Hidden Value Gems Investment Approach

Low Leverage: minimal use of financial leverage (preferably a net cash position) which adds long-term resilience at the expense of short-term results
Insider Ownership: management with ‘skin in the game’, strong alignment of interests between all the key stakeholders, preferably founder-led businesses, strong track record of value-accretive capital allocation
Attractive Valuation: companies that are trading below their fair values as the market fails to appreciate the full potential of those businesses
Business Quality: a great product (unique and hard to replace), that offers critical value to customers, with limited competition and a loyal customer base
Financial Performance: above-average margins, solid growth, and high returns on capital
Five criteria for identifying attractively priced businesses with above-average potential

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      This is the core plan for active investors who want to receive independent research with unique investment ideas and differentiating views. Premium subscription is offered exclusively on an annual basis to provide a consistent experience for all subscribers.

      As a Premium subscriber, you will receive curated stock ideas and research every month, featuring stocks I am actively analysing. Each idea comes with summary valuation tables, financial ratios, and key value drivers to save you time and broaden your investment universe.

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      You can find more information on this here.


      The main advantage of the Pro plan is that it's a tailored research and includes financial modelling, special situations, identification of critical value drivers, industry benchmarking, risk assessment and 1-on-1 direct calls/emails.

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      The lifetime membership plan has a limited capacity and will soon be closed for new members.
      Trusted by many professional investors
      • Christian Putz
        Founder & CIO of ARR Investments

        Ildar’s newsletter helps me to find new angles in investing. ‘Why most people lose money in the stock market?’ is a Super Artikel.
      • Julio Utrera, CFA
        Senior Analyst, Southeastern Asset Management

        I always find unique and high-quality ideas in the Hidden Value Gems newsletter, which I love reading. Ildar’s analysis of Exor is one of the best I have seen so far.
      • Joe Wickes
        Head of UK Corporates, Commerzbank AG
        It’s been a while since my Moscow years, but I always look back on that time fondly and I enjoyed working together. I just signed up to your newsletter and I’m looking forward to reading your thoughts and views. Best of luck.
      • Anton Barinov
        CIO of Ahead Asset Management

        I enjoy institutional-quality research and personal perspective that Ildar adds on less-covered investment opportunities, which makes his work unique and highly valuable.
      • Can Demir
        Head of Financials, WOOD & Co

        Ildar has been a key analyst contact for hedge funds, family offices and long-only funds in emerging Europe for over 15 years. Now, he is making his research available to investors of all shapes and sizes.

        Hidden Value Gems provides DIY investors institutional-grade research on stocks that big money can overlook. It's also an excellent resource for investment philosophy, Mungerism and larger companies - not least Ildar's favourite Berkshire Hathaway.

        With Ildar's exceptional credentials and his money behind his ideas, Hidden Value Gems is hands down the best offering on the market today.
      • Alessio Chiesa
        Chief Economist, ADA Economics

        Ildar's products are a great resource that I really suggest both newcomers to finance and seasoned professionals. As a subscriber to his newsletter for nearly a year, I can definitely recommend it based on the insightfulness and originality of its content. Ildar is blunt when sharing his view and not afraid of challenging traditional "consensus" assumptions. His unique style feels very holistic and highlights the amount of research and care he puts into everything he releases.

        My favorite analyses are the ones covering the oil industry. Drawing from two decades of experience, he offers an accessible approach to valuing such a complex industry that only someone who has true experience in the sector can guide you through.
      • Private Investor

        I find HiddenValueGems very insightful to read about potential companies to invest in that are good to excellent businesses trading at reasonable prices. It also helps me as a sounding board on competitive advantages and risks of my current portfolio of companies. I would definitely recommend the newsletter to any long-term investors.
      • David O’Hara
        Private investor

        Ildar Davletshin is a bit a star of the UK stock market bloggosphere.

      My work has been featured in